Tuesday, August 3, 2010


It seems I have a lot of things lingering in my head lately.  Being Azira, my ideal way of dealing with this kind of things is to shooo (read: ignore aka buat bodo je) them off.  But I can't.  And suddenly, this thing came to the back of my head while I was driving...

Me:  It would be nice if I met a genie who could grant me anything and make ALL MY DREAMS come true.
Me also:  Huh.. ALL??!! What about BAD DREAMS?
Also Me: Errkk...Pass!

Saya: Merapu la weh.. and then..

Saya lagi:  Hokolohhhh..sabo leerrr..baru satu saat hijo tuuuu!! Penang drivers ni kan! Iskh!! @#$&%*&% (translate: ngok ngek betui..tak sabo2!)

Moral 1: Tak yah la berangan nak jumpa genie (nak sebut jin kang len mcm lak bunyinye).  Ada sebabnya Allah pisahkan dunia jin dengan dunia manusia..kan?

Moral 2:  Jangan jadi mat minah jenin time bawak keta..apatah lagi la kat Penang ni haaa...


tumpanglalu said...

Life lessons are often the hardest to learn and you never know who's going to be the instructor. Sometimes an actual teacher fulfills that role. Sometimes it's a friend. Sometimes it's a parent. And while you could argue that we really already know deep down the things these instructors reveal to us, it stands to reason that a reminder now and again about who we are and what we hold can and should serve as wake up call or guiding light as we navigate our lives. [cgerrits]

AxraZa said...

the best instructor would be our experiences i think. friends, parents, teachers can only show or lead the way. but we ourselves experience it. yg stumble tu kita..yg jalan lurus pun kita jugak la.. i donno..this is just my 2 cents :)

patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

sy x pandai ckp omputih
genie tu jin eh kak jira?
pengajarannye kt lampu hijau jgn tido

AxraZa said...

kamus ada 7 kat umah tu. gi checck!
sy x tido..sy berangan je.