Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cerita dua hari...

Achtung:  Quite a long entry, kindly proceed to the MORAL part straight away if you find it too long to read. TQ.

Tuesday...done with Methodology paper.  It went okay I might say.  Nothing too heavy to bear. Nevertheless, I didn't guarantee any As.. :)

As promised, later that afternoon I went and pick up Radhi in Bayan Lepas.  Soon after that went of straight to Gurney Hotel.  As usual, makan-makan things and then strolled along the Gurney Drive.  Went to the room and tidoq.  Radhi, I am terribly sorry for the "tak fokus" thing. Hehe. If I could turn back time, I wont allow that to happen.  My bad.  

Wednesday...the plan was, I dropped Radhi at the Court and drove back to Ipoh. As such, I checked my minyak itam before I started the long journey.  Being me, like tikus and labu... I checked the stick after I had turned on the ignition.  Little that I know, it was not suppose to be done that way.  To my surprise, the level of the minyak was below mininum level.  So I called my brother. He was not in Penang, so he asked me to go to the nearest station.  And I did just that. Stopped at Juru, only to stand before the shelf and ponder what kind of engine oil to buy.  Talian hayat again, lucky he asked...when did you check the level? While its on or before you on?  Haaa..he is soooo my brother. He knows me well.  And the rest is history. Owhh..and I saved RM52.00 that morning. Time kasih Angah.

Moral:  If you have to check your engine oil level, do it before you start the car. You won't get the reading (level) while the engine is running.  Lesson numb3r one!

Still Wednesday... I promised Gcop to meet her on my way back.  Lucky, she had an appointment in Ipoh, so we decided to just meet here, in Ipoh.  But, before that.....

Being a very responsible citizen....when they asked us to turn the lights on when passing the tunnel.  I humbly comply that.  Only that I am not so responsible to my car.  Poor BumbleBee.

I met Gcop. She belanja makan..thanx Gcop.  After a long chat, we kissed goodbye. She went off.  I put on my car key and tried to start the car. Failed. And after  a few attempts it seemed itu kereta sudah mogok.  Waited for a while, still didn't work and then I realised I didn't turn off the lights. Great.  So I had to call Gcop to ask if they had jumper.  Negative. 

Thanx to Gcop and Daus again, they returned to the parking lot.  As we didn't have a jumper, we had to tolak the car.  Selepas beberapa aksi menolak kereta dan membawa kereta..BumbleBee berjaya dihidupkan.  See, my good citizenship don't do justice to my car!  Saye berjanji untuk tidak on lagi lampu lepas ni.  Ini adalah kali ke dua perkara ini berlaku.  Kali pertama, it was with Radhi..(kalo dia masih ingat).

Moral No. 2:  Remember to switch off your lights if you have on them and always check before you go off. If not, its better for you not to on them.  Tunnel? So what? :P


suRe HeBoH said...

lawak lawak..senyum sipu2 bace ini entriii..huhu

AxraZa said...

ntah hape2 je ek..haish.

Shu said...

Fuh! Ponat eh baca urutan kisah misteri BumbleBee ney.. sis, ape2pun jangan di "buang" keta tu taau walau beli yang baru nanti..sayang ooo kenangan ;)

Bab kiss goodbye tu, kat Sue bila nak kasi? ;)

Jie said...

sue..pd ari terakhir n jam terakhir b4 korang say goodbye to penang br kak zira korang bg kiss goodbye mahal dia tu..:)

zira..seb bek 100+ ko bg dpt menghilangkan kemengahan i menolak keta u ngan berbj kurung n bekst tinggi d tengah ari yg rembang tu..hehehe

AxraZa said...

sayur: begitulah hajat beta adanya..BumbleBee tu ada kaitan dengan cinta agung saya! hahaha.. (kan gcop kan?)

kiss gudbye? dh jumpe balik sok baru kasi kot. kak jie ni pun time dok sesame lu, i x penah kiss kiss dia punnnn..hahaha

gcopppp, entry ni khas utk ko tauuuu..kalo la ko xde, menangis la sy kat situuu ... ckp ngan Daus, x padan ngan kecik! kuat tuuu...hahaha

patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

kak jie ~ mantop laa tolak kete dgn ayu berbaju kurung.tgh duk imagine nih :)

kak jira~bru jek ritu sy cerite kuar dating skali ex bf ku lupa nk tutup lampu kete.nasib dia ada jumper.huhuhuh

AxraZa said...

sume dh makan semut lebih! haha

Shu said...

@kak jie : heeee...kak zira mcam tu la kak jie..wat2 jual mahal,padahal dalam hati tu lenjun basah hujaaan ;)

AxraZa said...

huh! sekongkol la kome!

Jie said...

cik patung:xyah le imagine mmg lawak..tapi kerana kawanku terchenta ini bolehkan jer..seb bek kasut i xpatah kalu x blh pau kasut br..;)
sayur:betoi2..kak zira kome tu konon2 cam macho tapi dalam ati ada taman sekebun bunga..:)
zira:cinta agung ko yg mana satu ni?banyak sgt..adakah bersama God creature tu ataukah si H ataupun si M?choose one plez..(mode:pening memikior yg mana satukah paling agung)..

AxraZa said...

cinta agong mana ada byk gcop..satu je..hehe..

Jie said...

oo..kisah aku, kau dan bumblebee.. dimana hero berkata kpd heroin.."awak jln dulu saya tgk dr belakang" sambil hero memandang heroin membw bumblebee pergi diiringi pandangan si hero yg sarat dgn chenta dan merasakan hatinya telah terlekat didlm hati pemilik bumblebee itu..hehehehe

AxraZa said...

tp syg si owner bumblebee itu amatlah dungu lg maha tidak mengetahui akan hal itu :(

Jie said...

bukanlah setakat dungu tapi tiadalah lg perkataan yg dpt menggambarkan kebluran dan ketiadaperasaanan si owner bumblebee itu akan hal tersebut dimana org2 sekeliling owner bumblebee bukan setakat dapat merasa bahkan kepanasan akibat panahan chenta si hero..:)

AxraZa said...

kurang asam! cheh...