Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The anger within...

I can be bad. Yes, really. I mean, who cannot rite? But most of the time we choose not to.  When someone do something that hurts your feeling, the normal reaction is that..you feel angry.  There is nothing wrong with anger. But how do you channel your anger? Beat that person up? Or at least confront him? The mens rea was and is always there. It just that, we dont put it into action. Meaning to say,  the actus reus is not fulfilled.  Is it good? 

Some prefer to just keep the feeling inside, in a deep dark corner of their heart.  Again, is it good? Or, should we just explode like a volcano? Its really our call. But anyhow, keeping your anger within you is not easy. It never was.  

So, everytime you feel the anger, please hold yourself.  Dont let the anger gets the best of you. Please dont.  But the danger is people might think they can just do anything, and you wont feel anything.  Whatever it is, please don't say anything while you're angry. You might regret the words you've said and worse you have to carry it for the rest of you life. So, dont let the anger get the best of you. Allow yourself to get the best of the anger.

"Please Allah, make my words today sweet and tender for tomorrow I may have to eat them"


Radhi Dahlan said...

Sepertimana yang pernah aku tulis dulu,

"Biar kita menyesal tidak marah seseorang itu, daripada kita menyesal sebab kita sudah marah seseorang itu"

AxraZa said...

betul tu D, tapi makin kita diam makin keluar pulak satu satu satu...dari pelbagai sumber. Penat!