Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Esok hari Khamis...

Maknanya esok saya ada kelas know, kelas yang mat salleh jadi mentor kita tu. And just to share a little bit of my day, today I had a co-teaching session with my TPD mentor. I might say the class went on quite smoothly, for me at least because I didn't do anything throughout the class. Ahaks. So much of a 'co-teaching' huh?? :D

At the beginning of the class our mentor friend did a little bit of introduction session. He introduced himself and he did it 'American way' (that's what he said). I was not quite happy when he said, 'American way is good'. Ye la kan, dia tunjuk shake-hands then cakap Hi! pastu hi-five bagai. We Malaysians don't do it that way. Dia siap buat gaya jalan yang 'cool' yang nampak cam backstreet boys kat sana buat. So, I was not happy with it. Tapi tak boleh la nak salahkan dia gak, mungkin dia tak faham budaya kita.

Part yang best untuk dikongsi adalah, anak-anak murid saya macam paham je perasaan hatiku when one of them said, "Mr. X is Mr. Bean". Wahahaha...saya sudah mau gelak but then tak baik la kan. Nanti tunjuk contoh tak baik pulak. So I asked the boy to say sorry. Sebab Mr. X tu pun buat muka sedih bila dia tau budak panggil dia Mr. Bean. Hihihi...Budak pun nampak okeh, jalan macam terliut liut gitu...American sangat. Ticer rasa, tak sesuai!!

So much that I think the programme ruins my day but I still have to attend it. Surely, its for my own benefit.  Slowly, nanti saya suka la kelas tu agaknya. Bak kata orang, pelan-pelan kayuh. Saya terpaksalah suka atau buat-buat suka, kalau tak...horrible and miserable lah hidup saya sepanjang tahun ini. Till then, have a good  Thursday  guys :)

Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still.  ~Chinese Proverb


patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

how i wish cikgu aji could accompany u through out that lesson until u feel the 'suka' feeling

AxraZa said...

haha...dia takkan memberi impak sebegitu lagi daahhh ;P