Friday, January 13, 2012

Entry serious.

Saya suka lelaki bijak dan entry ini adalah serius (walaupun isu ni dah lapok). Hentikan pembacaan if you are not serious about serious thing. Peace.

Yesterday, I had nothing important to do.  I did some surfing on the net and ended up in someone's blog. It was a serious blog. Even the name of the blog was serious. As I was practically free, I read his entry...owh, nothing much was written there but he did posted a video. It was about AUKU.  

For those who are not familiar with AUKU, it is an act. Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (after this will be referred to as 'the Act'). From what I understand, he (the blogger) is not so keen of the Act. He thinks that the Act is more or less 'tying the students' hands' (don't take this literally). The video he posted was on the phenomenon before AUKU was introduced. Which obviously showing the freedom of the undergrads to express their feelings. Doing demo and all.

From that blog, I found another blog which was about the very famous teacher-to-be.  Who did something which to some people was a brave act. But to me it was just a plain stupid act. I'm sorry. According to one of them, if the 'play' by the government continues, they would move the whole force of the undergrads (students) to change the regime during the election (democracy channel). 

For me, they should consider that first rather than going through such a 'rough' road. That is the way things should be done. We practice Parliamentary Democracy, so use this means to get to your end.  Get your priority right and carry on with your life.  

You've been beaten up right? The injury you sustained is just collateral when you are actually damaging your life. I might sound coward, but please think before you act. Main task is to deliver the memorandum. Then just do it and leave it at that. By taking or lowering that 'you-know-what' down, you were actually mengsensasikan keadaan. Tak payah nak dramatik sangat la kot. 

I read this one comment that goes like this, "ini adalah orang yang akan dikenang, orang yang menurut sahaja tidak akan dikenang". Then I would rather be the unsung hero. Yang dikenang for the right reason.

So much that I like smart brave guys, I don't think I can handle this kind of bravery and smartness.

Side notes:  

1.  Bila saya kata saluran demokrasi (Perenggan 4), saya maksudkan...since dia ada suara untuk mengajak orang berbuat sesuatu, why not ajak rakan-rakan sume pergi mengundi. Saya boleh buat satu entry baru untuk cerita betapa budak melayu tak suka pegi mengundi. Kononnya malas nak amik port pasal politik. 

2.  Bila saya kata pikir dulu sebelum bertindak (Perenggan 7), saya maksudkan...fikir la dulu, kalo dah turunkan gambar PM, takkan la tak ada tindakan. Kena gantung belajar sudah tentu. Ada rekod disiplin sudah pasti. Kemana hala tuju hidup anda? Pengajian anda? Camne nak memimpin dan bersuara kalau degree pun tak ada? Belajar pun siap extend sem? 

3. Bila saya kata saya lebih rela jadi unsung hero, saya maksudkan...hantarlah memorandum tu secara berhemah. Anda sudah pun menjadi pejuang. Tanpa menurunkan gambar atau apa-apa, memorandum tu tetap sampai. Ada tindakan atau tidak bergantung pada keadaan. Sekurang-kurangnya anda sudah menjalankan apa yang anda rasa sudah menjadi tanggungjawab anda. Tapi bila anda berbuat demikian (turunkan apa-apa tu), anda memberi ruang untuk mereka menolak mentah-mentah permintaan anda. Ada Akta pun dah macam tu...kalau tak de macam mana? 

4. Kalau nak diikutkan, banyak lagi yang saya nak cakap... tentang berpolitik secara sihat semasa dalam pengajian...tentang macam-macam lagi. Tapi nanti entry ni akan jadi terlalu panjang. Cuma pada saya, dalam politik ada banyak unsur. Pastikah anda, anda boleh jadi macam ikan temenung yang duduk dalam air laut tapi tak masin? 

And this is just my 2 sen.

He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander ~ Aristotle


patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

sy akui entry ni memg serius.sampai terkedu tak tahu nk komen apa
i am a malay that never miss my mengundi.hehehhe (baru sekali je pn.huhuhuhu)

AxraZa said...

jadilah saje pembaca setia. tak komen pun x ape..hehehe

Jie said...
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Jie said...

saya setuju ngan apa yang ko cakap..

budak-budak zaman skang ni mmg terlebih berani..mcm2 benda depa nak buat nak tunjuk..tapi lebihnya pendek akal..

cuba ler b4 buat apa2 tu pikir least pikir mak ayah yg susah2 anto kite belajo tu..penat2 mak ayah cr rezeki nak sekolahkan anak2 sampe U..last2 anaknya sendiri yg saje2 cr pasal nak keluarkan diri sendiri dari U..

AxraZa said...

tu la pasalnya Gcop. Keutamaan sendiri pun tak tau, nk kelam kabut hal-hal lain.