Thursday, January 27, 2011


These few weeks, I've been trying hard to keep the positive energy within me. Its not that this new place is bad. No, not at all.  Its good and I might say better than what I wish for. 

But, it seems I can't bring myself away from the perception and confusion people get when they know my background.  Again, its not in anyway negative. It just that...when they ask why in the world I quit my job and join this profession, I just go blank. This is something I cant explain. Not at the moment at least.

Having said this, I now realised be true.. I myself do not know why in the world I quit my job and choose to be a primary teacher.  Its destined for sure.  So, pardon me for the answer or not answering for that matter.


patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

the post n the picture
kn sy dh ckp semalam
u r better with it now

AxraZa said...

tenkiuuu teacher! ngeh ngeh

Shu said...

teringat your face when mr.hons asked the same question...

AxraZa said...

huhu..muka yg amat blur.

Radhi Dahlan said...

ko hebat Zira!