Wednesday, September 29, 2010

In this moment of silence...

For those who know me, they know...silence is not my thing.  I might say, I am a very vocal person.  When I am not comfortable with anything, I ask. I just don't keep quiet and pondering over and over about it.  But somehow, these days...more often than not..the remarks that I've got are worrying me.

People now viewed me as someone who has no saying.  Or rather i choose not to say anything about it when they expect me to.  I don't know why, but i think its more than 3-4 times i heard this "Zira tau, tapi saje buat tak tau".  Yes, and the next thing I know, I am labelled as "the insensitive one".  And yes again, I know this label is not totally baseless.  It is somehow or rather bring some weight.  It was one of the things that my supervisor and mentor brought up during their observations.  So I take it that I might be not that sensitive towards what is happening around me sometimes. BUT. Yesss..there is a big but there.

There may be two or more situations that I was not fully aware of and so I did not handle it to the best of my ability but believe it, more often than not I chose NOT to.  I choose not to think about it so much.  I choose not to talk about it.  I choose to ignore it.  I choose to close my eyes and ears.  I just prayed my SILENT prayer.

So, i think i need to put this straight.  Bila saya diam, tak bermakna saya tak tau apa yang berlaku disekeliling saya. Bila saya nampak macam tak nampak, maknanya saya pilih untuk tidak melihatnya. Itu saje. 

And to my dear readers, if you think that there must be some occurrences that initiated this entry...please erase that okeh.  Thats not the case. Ini adalah kesan pemikiran jangka panjang...bukan entry lepas perasaan. So, in this moment of silence, lets us............................

You hesitate to stab me with a word, and know not - silence is the sharper sword.  ~Samuel Johnson

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