Friday, July 1, 2011


I fall over and over..for you. Bumblebee!
Alright, may be not for him per se...
But to the beautiful bond between Sam and Bee...

I fall for the heart that Optimus has..
the gentleness and the wisdom..
Wish there would be man with
that 'muscle', 'brain' and 'thought'...
[but believe me, in our world those
3 things don't go together...]
I should move to Cybertron then ;)

Thanx to Micheal Bay for such a great movie.

Sedikit nota kaki: Saya sempat tengok cite "Sekali Lagi" sementara tunggu Transformers tadi, I might say...its a not too bad movie. Boleh buat orang gelak dan sedih dan mungkin menangis jugak dalam satu masa. Terima kasih to Tumulak...kerana meyakinkan saya, masih ada manusia untuk kita suka..tak yah la jatuh cinta ngan robot... sorry sebab masih gagal untuk mengingat nama anda.


patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

u tgk 2 muvie hri ni? dgn sape? melampau nih

AxraZa said...

hehehe =)