Sunday, March 20, 2011

What do you want people to remember you for?

I had a friend named Joned when I was in primary school. It was like yearrrssss ago. 22 years may be? I think, I did bump into him once after I finished school but I was to shy (err..) to call him...minding the fact that I might get the wrong person.

Joned was not one of my good friends back then (and even I don't even know his whereabouts) and as I can recall, he was one of those naughty boys who liked to call names. They called me 'Jenal Abidin' and most of the time with ball in their hands asking me to join them in the field and you obviously know why. And I undoubtedly retaliated to that. I called him 'Gurkha' because ayah dia nama Abdul Hamid. You know, the famous Hamid Gurkha. Hehe. And yes.. I seem to have strayed from my point.

So, back to my point. I believe you all have friends. A lot of them. And after sometimes, it is just impossible for you to remember all of them. Especially those who are not so close to you. So, how you want them to remember you? 

Like Joned, when someone mentions his name to me, I don't remember him for his naughtiness. I remember him for this one incident where one of my friend, brought cake to school and so unfortunate to find her cakes kena hurung semut. So this girl just blew the ants away with the hope of eating the cake. That was where Joned came and said 'kalau aku, aku tak akan makan dah kek tu. Ko mana tau semut tu tadi lalu atas taik ayam ke?' And those thing made sense to me. I didn't eat the cake but my friend just ignored Joned and ate the cake. Thats about it. [Later only I learned that ants leg contain enzyme that can cause a lot of bad things to your forgetfulness.. so thanx Joned]. 

But now, even after 20 years I still remember those words Joned said and I justttt [like a few minutes before I started this entry ye :( ] throw a container full of cake. Sebab kena hurung semut. Sh** but seriously, memang tak lalu nak makan dah.  

So, my point is...macam mana kita nak diri kita dikenang oleh kawan-kawan? Atas sebab buruk atau sebab baik? Atas kenangan manis atau kenangan pahit?

Note: Saya ada satu incident dengan satu kawan. Saya mintak maaf dan rasanya dia tak layan. Saya cakap dengan satu kawan yang lain. Kawan saya kata, 'biarlah, dia kan mengaku dia ego'. So sekarang saya kenang dia sebagai kawan yang ego. Walaupun banyak juga perkara manis untuk dikenang. Tapi, saya juga fikir...dia mengenang saya sebagai kawan yang bagaimana?


Radhi Dahlan said...

zira.... berani ko tk ingat aku?!

AxraZa said...

kalo sy nyanyuk tu, ampunkanlah sy! ahaha

Radhi Dahlan said...

kena bawak berubat. hahahah

AxraZa said...

insya Allah x lupa. cross my heart n hope to die! wahaha

patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

so, camne nk kenang u dlm memori i nih? a 'good' singer like me?
terlalu byk benda manis utk dikenang...
love u(sila baca dgn nada seirus yek)

utk org yg kite mintak maaf tp x layan tu, faham2 je laa, the best thing is, dh lepas part u kn

AxraZa said...

love u to bits paejah! ahahaha

Jie said...

ko igt saya camner plak?

AxraZa said...

sy igt ko sbg kwn yg kuat membebel!!! ahahaha

Jie said...


AxraZa said...

jgn marah gcop. mmg ko kuat bebel puunnnn...hihihi..but i lep u all the same laaa...ahaha