Thursday, March 10, 2011

Teacher Participants' Discussion - Native Speaker

For those who are not in teaching line, let me just tell you briefly that the above is a project that the government is currently developing and I am currently undergoing. This project is basically to train the teacher to be a great English Language teacher [thats their aim I guess, more or less].

Since it involves the so called 'native speaker', the overseers of this project obviously need to be those who speak english as their first language.  So, my school is put under Mr. Steven from Alaska. His job is to come and see how we work and give recommendation if and when we need it. So, I had 2 sessions with him so far and there are more to come. Or 28 more weeks to be specific. 

So I had a meeting with him today and he commented on my lesson that he observed earlier on. Since we had a pretty ample time, I got the chance to ask him a few questions. These questions had been lingering on my mind since the first workshop we had last two weeks. 

First question - Tiffany [one of the overseers] said, to teach foreign language effectively, teacher CANNOT use the pupils' first language AT ALL in the classroom. How do I teach them effectively if they dont understand me?  How do I make them understand without using their first language? 

He said, it can be done. It seems, we have to repeat the instruction again and again. Over and over again. Until they [the pupils] get what we want. No matter if you have to repeat it for 20 times. [Whattttt????]

If that the case, I agree with him. Yes, it can be done. After the 20th times, I am positive that my pupils will clearly understand my my instructions are. But, do I have that amount of patience?

It works fine with good class, as the brighter one will react or responded to the instructions well and the other will follow. But what about the weaker class and the weakest one for that matter? Do I REALLY need to repeat my instructions or read the instructions for them for 20 times?  I doubt that. 

At last he said, first language can be used if the pupils still cannot understand the instructions but only for like one or two times and then we have to go back to English.

I tried, and I failed. I can only repeat my rubrics for like 5 times and I lost my patience soon after the 5th times. 

Second questions - At the end of this project what are their [the govt] expectations actually? 

His answer was simple. "At the end of this program you will be like me".  Aha! That I don't like. Why is it that I have to be like you?

At the end of the discussion, he said that we always have the theory and the reality. Theory might sound good, but the reality is totally a different story. I did apologize for being negative or skeptical about this whole idea but being a total gentleman that he is..he said, that is what he expects from the teachers ( ask questions and seek explanation that is, not for being negative) but none so far has brought this matter up. 

So teachers, care to share your opinion on this? Are you with me?

Note: Before we end the discussion, he jokingly said that I should be a lawyer instead of school teacher. Owh man!!!


patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

wjat makes him better n we need to be like him? it is bcoz he is native speaker of english?
theory will never be the same with reality, we can be optimistic, but to what extent? whatever it is, we can use whatever method, language, ABMs or anything do as long as the pupils got what we r trying to convey...

do you get what i'm trying to convey?

AxraZa said...

the ideal way of teaching english dh tentu la kena guna bahasa tu sendiri kan. tp tu laa..byk halangan. nk mengalah atau nak lawan? itu persoalannya.

patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

better ajar guna bahasa diri compare guna bahasa yg diajar 100% but in the end, the students faham x sepatah haram

tumpanglalu said...

"kesabaran" utk bg bdk2 phm tu dah satu hal. cmna lak dgn "masa"?! slalunya kita ada sejam utk stiap kelas dlm shari. mcm yg kita dah sedia maklum, kawalan kelas dah mkn masa (kecuali yg xkisah bdk2 bising lompat sana sini) then p&p next nak ulang arahan smpai cthnya 20 kali or senang ckp smpai depa phm (infiniti)?!!

come on.. like seriously, come onnnnnn....

AxraZa said...

u shud be there n back me up Am. i did bring the issue of time and depa kata buleh! Boleh ok depa kata.

La ni, kalau sy sorang dok kata susah ni..pasni kena label la..cikgu negative. hehe

tumpanglalu said...

dia sendri ckp;

we always have the theory and the reality. Theory might sound good, but the reality is totally a different story.

kt ctu dia patut phm dah yg mana realiti tu cmna.

lps ni ada peluang ckp kt dia cmni;

[i'm not looking for absolution. but before you come to any conclusions, try walking in my shoes..]

arap2 dia phm..

ps> rasanya dia cuma nak levelkan ego dia. dia dtg dr jauh plus dia adalah pengguna english mother tongue, so xkan dia nak jatuhkan air muka dia dpn cikgu2 tempatan. tp xpa, am rasa suma cikgu2 tempatan sana phm situasi n keadaan zira cuma depa xtunjuk. jgn risau k..

patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

class control???
sy selalu menjerit waktu mengajar semata2 nk suruh budak diam

AxraZa said...

class control pun dh amik masa.

@ Am: modal dorang adalah, depa dh ngajar kt byk negara n none of the countries yg depa ajar tu murid2 nya adalah native speaker. sumenya 2nd language. tapi, program depa berjaya.

nevertheless, kita tgk apa pendapat dia lepas dia sendiri mengajar nnt. hehe

AxraZa said...

anyhow, terima kasih atas feedback sume. at least kurang sikit rs diri ini negative ni..hehe