Friday, December 24, 2010

Virtually real...

As I was so free and practically idle this whole week, I thought it was good to go find my friend, I mean old friends. You know, those who were closed to me during primary and secondary school.  In the course of doing this, I had sorted out my Facebook friend list. I thought it would be easier to go find them through my friends in the list.

And suddenly I realised, I have fairly big number of virtual friends.  Those who I never met but it feels like I know them my entire life.  Those who were with me during my ups and downs.  Some even with me [virtually of course] during my most vulnerable time when even the closest one couldn't be present.

How lucky I have them around. One or two has/have been my friend for more than 10 years and the friendship is still standing. One that withstands the time and distance. And now I'm thinking, its so true what they say about how sometimes strangers can be friend and even family can be strangers.

For me, the secret ingredient in friendship is sincerity.  Physical or online presence is just a terms...

...and the pursuit of the long lost old friends continues...............

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.” - Flavia Weed


Radhi Dahlan said...

aku kenal ke yang virtual tu? kekekekke

AxraZa said...

Naa..i dont think so. hehe