Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New direction...

I had a very subtle day today (err..can I use subtle?).  I believe I am starting to like this idea of living in idleness. Yeahh, its bad. I know.  Get up by six thirty in the morning, perform the ultimate duty and then off to bed again..if the eyes need it. Be idle [read: facebooking and browsing] and sleep by three a.m. is my idea of life so far.  There goes my six hours sleep.  But then, I'm okay with it.  Thats where the problem starts. It kills. I cannot afford to like this idea of idleness too much for I have more or less 30 days only to savour this. Joy killer it may sound but yes, its true.

So I talked to a friend today. As always, the question would be how am I coping with life.  Told him the running of the day.  His immediate reaction was, "that's boring".  How hampeh.  So this friend of mine suggested that I do something that I like.  Like writing.  And I should start blogging. He has no idea whatsoever that I own a blog. The idea that came later, got my attention.  He said I should start blogging on something related to english language..or language per se. Like on idioms or something.  That way, I won't be writing about something vain...and he purposely mentioned "tok sah la cite pasal ko masak ape hari ni..ko buat ape hari ni..". Owhh..sungguh terasa ye..menusuk ke kalbu.  If I didn't know better, I might think that he was bombarding me.

The short conversation, left me with thousands of things in mind.  May be I should change my direction..the direction of this blog (as if it has any direction...cite pasal masak ape hari ni je pun kan?).  Orrr...may be I should start a new blog focusing on language stuff.  Not to deliver anything mind you.  I am not in position to deliver anything pun..English saya pun hampes..hehe. But more to gain and share something for the love of language. Tapi ada ke orang nak baca? That's the pessimist in me talking.  Tak nak la buat, pastu bersawang pulak kan?

Up to this moment, I am still thinking.  New direction or new blog.  Boleh sesape fikir untuk saye? =) 

The only thing wrong with doing nothing is that you never know when you're finished.  ~Author Unknown

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