Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's tiring...really.

Wrote about this quite a few times. But I don't think anybody would care either. Its my interest in Kdramas...or should I say obsession? Its been so long since I had my obsession towards something. Last time it was Farmville. During that so-called obsession, there was nothing I could think of but Farmville...even in court room. To make thing worse, I had a friend who would call my office just to remind me to send her a gift [read: grape tree] in Farmville so that she could expand her harm. Ngam ho? I had so much fun and I became less productive. As the result, I had to block the application. So that I could stay employed. Nobody would want to lose their job because of such a stupid great game right?

This time around its the K thing.  I don't know whether it just me or the whole wide world is experiencing it. I must say, it's really tiring. To like something too much. Come to think of it, I have to stop it. So, what I do when I like something too much is I embrace and indulge myself in it to full blast sampai jemu dan menyampah. Like bila kita suka durian kita makan hari-hari sampai jemu kan? After 4 days sure tak nak makan lagi. So I applied that theory, and I failed. I did try to divert my interest to something else. Fail jugak. Bandwidth kena control? I bought extra volume. Apa ada hal. So now I'm at my wits end. 

Isunya saya tak nak kegilaan ini terjadi diwaktu saya perlu berkerja.  Nanti tak nak lah balik sekolah bukak lappy untuk tengok drama pulak. So how? I think I'm losing my self-control. Berhenti cuma untuk makan dan solat...tido pun kadang-kadang missed. Teruk giler, right? It's like something unseen is controlling me. Harap bila sekolah dah bukak nanti, 'penyakit' ni hilang. Amin.

Hari ni saya dah upload manual untuk ajar sentence building to primary writers. Harap ini buleh divert attention saya.  Janganlah saya jadi macam makcik yang hopeless suka tengok drama.

Last but not least, somebody said something to me today...she said, its okay to fall this hard for something, say farmville or even a korean actor(s). Just don't fall too hard for someone or somebody. As in human?? Pause. 

It must be really tiring, huh?


patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

totally agreed dgn perenggan akhir...

regarding the unseen thing, i'm sure it won't harm u(i hope)
but it harm u, someone will send reminder n alert msg.heheheheh

AxraZa said...

couldnt agree more. btw, pls do..hehehe