Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Here and there...

Too many things happened, too many stories to tell that i dont know where to start or where should i i'm going to just type whatever cross my mind. So please bear with me...(if, yes if.. if someone or anyone is reading this)

First, its about the word odd. ODD. What and how do you feel when someone told you that you look odd doing (or not doing) something? I have never thought about this, until someone told me that..."you look odd in my class" was his words. and then he continued, "its like itik dengan ayam-ayam". i then replied, "so I am the itik la sir?".  He didnt answer.  Enough said (or silence).  Its always good to know what people think of you.  And its  even better when and if you had the chance to explain yourself (even if you dont have to).  So, i have told him that if at any time he noticed that i look bored in his class..that was not the real situation.  Its not how it looks. I was not bored..i was just thinking...and trying hard to comprehend my being his class. yes, sounds odd? isn't it?

And then, cuti pun datang... first few days of sem break..i was bz with kenduri kendara and rombongan kawin.  On tuesday, got a call from my ex-boss. i was offered a part time job.  Hmm..again, that reminds me of this phrase "you can leave the legal line, but the legal line wont leave you". I have not decided whether or not to take up the offer.  Two weeks with legal documents could be like 2 years in prison...okeh, I'm exaggerating.. but still, thats not what i plan for my break.

Other than that, something happened.  I was shocked.  I was down.  But i'm ok now.  In fact i'm much much better than before.  Now I know, whatever happen in future, i know...i have few people behind me that i can call friend. And no, they are not only radhi, gcop and miza. I might say, i am expanding my circle.  yes, i take a long time to do it.  But its ok, its not petty things to take people into your circle. So you have to really take it slow. And for that matter, some might say, "haha, ckp macam bagus je minah ni". I know, i might be out for someone else's circle. But, thats life [c'est la vie]. You [we] can't live up to everybody's standard. Kalo wave kita sama then masuklah kita dalam circle yang sama..kalo wave kita tak sama..then too bad..better luck next time!

Enough said i think...mak dah bising soh sembahyang asar. Dah tua2 ni lagi kena leter pasal sembahyang.  Ape daa Azira! So, adios amigos.


patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

mak cik....
kak jira x semayang isyak lg
i like ur post
too much thing in mind
dunno where to begin
to da extend x tulis apa2 lansung

circle kite adalah terbaik utk kite sendiri wlu didalamnye adalah pd pendapat org the worst person in da world

AxraZa said...

mmg blom smayang lg punn..hihi
ape yg terbaik kita x semestinya org suka...itu je la..hehe