Sunday, May 30, 2010

So Azira, no regrets?

I have encountered this kind of question so many times.  So many times that I can easily dismiss any further question on that.  Truthfully, I have never answered this question.  Most of the time, my best answer would be a smile with/without blank face (on my not so good day).  Its not good, I know.  But, my justification would be one that I do not owe any explanation to any body.  Telling people my regrets (if any) is like opening my big black (or green, or pink) book  for them to read.  There's nothing wrong with telling people your regrets and i'm not against it. It just that you have to really know the person before you do so..or else, its like giving he/she bullets for her/him to kill you..(this is a highly prejudicial statement, I know. but somehow or rather, I've learnt that life could be harsh on you).

Yesterday, I faced this question again. I know it was a sincere question and she expected a sincere answer.  But, to my own regret, the best i could answer was "don't ask" which i know by itself have clearly answered the question.  I should have smile and just keep my mouth shut.  Me and my big mouth. What else is new.  But its ok, what more can i say. Damage is done. She then replied, "if you are going back to practice, you have to serve at least two years". "Yes, i'm aware of that" was my answer to her statement. And what followed was silence...long one.  

“Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.”


Maya Ariffin said...

live life with no regret era... in the end of the day.. apa saja keputusan yg kita ambik itulah yg mejadikan siapa diri kita..

AxraZa said...

sgt benar maya..thanx :)

Radhi Dahlan said...

tak perlu kesalkan pilihan yang telah diizinkan olehNYA. Hanya dia yang tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Terpulang pada kita menggayakan pilihan itu.

AxraZa said...

kesal tu tak..meragui tu sentiasa..hehe

Jie said...

dee:mmg betul apa yg ko ckp tu..
zira:rasa was2 rasa ragu2 tu mmg sentiasa ada tapi jgn sampe membawa kpd penyesalan atas apa pilihan yg kite dah buat..(nasihat pd diri sendiri juga ni..)
moga2 Allah memberkati apa jua pilihan yg kita buat..amin.

AxraZa said...

gcop, tu sebenarnya lebih kpd x tau knp sy ada kat sini..hahahah