Monday, November 21, 2011

33 years of living...

First and foremost, thank you Allah for these 33 years of living. 33 years of struggling and facing the ups and downs. 396 months of happiness and sorrow once in a while.

Thank you Mak for giving birth to me...for keeping up with me, my tantrum and all the buruk perangai. Thanks to my dear siblings for lending money ears whenever I need it. Thanks to all my cousins, for adding colour to my life :)

Thanks to all my dear friends, for simply being friends to me. Without you guys, my life would be like a garden without flowers.



Radhi Dahlan said...

happy bday Azira... there's nothing much i can give... but my exceptional love.... errkkk? kekekek

Have fun!

AxraZa said...

aduiii D..terharu okeh..heheee

mIss toRayAkI said...

happy belated birthday sis..dah sangat2 lewat ni

btw:saya buat new blog..come and visit eh kak..

patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

knp sy bru baca entry nih, nk ucap hepi belated birthday jgk laa

AxraZa said...

tenkiu cik sue n cik pejah :)