Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bad uncle has gone mad!

Remember when I told you about Steven? Hes one of the overseers for the TELL Project. The one who didn't believe me when I explained to him as to why I treated my year 3 classes differently. I did a lot of games with good class and merely just chalk and talk with the weak one. Not because they are weak but because I cant control them. They have attitude problem. That is what I told Steven and he didn't buy that. He gave me a long lecture to which I simply said, "seeing is believing...come and have a look".

He did just that. Before we entered the class, he told me that we have to play role. "I'll be the bad cop, and you be the good cop" with the hope that the kids will appreciate me more when they meet this "bad uncle" (he himself put it that way). But things went quite opposite when we were in the class. The bad cop went good. Even with 3 boys fighting right in front of his nose! And they never done that in my class before.


So, when I was away he took over my class. Alone. Saya rasa dia tak puas hati dan nak buktikan dia boleh control kelas tu. Dan dia sendiri bagitau, he lost them. He had to ask one of the pupils to call other teacher. Half way through the class. Again, the boys had a fight and made one of the girls cry. Depan saya budak-budak ni tak pernah la pulak jadi macam tu walau pun dorang degil.

And now, he insisted that I refer the boys to the GPK Hem. He has also informed PPD about this matter. I have been holding this matter for 3 weeks. Memang saya tak nak hantar budak-budak tu kat GPK Hem. Tapi semalam, GPK 1 panggil saya dan suruh jugak saya hantar budak-budak tu je GPK Hem sebab PPD dah tau dan PPD akan tanya apa tindakan. Memang ngok ngek mat saleh ni kan? Dia yang nak tunjuk terer, dah tak boleh dia nak kecoh-kecoh lak. GPK 1 cakap, dia dah siap ingatkan Steven supaya jangan masuk ke kelas tanpa guru asal. Dia yang degil. 

Pada saya tak patut dia bagitau PPD pasal hal ni. Walaupun budak-budak tu degil, tapi saya boleh je handle. Walaupun susah payah. Siapa dia yang nak melangkaui guru besar saya? Saya fed up ngan mat saleh yang tak faham situasi dan cuma pandai komen. Dulu dia tak percaya, sekarang dia yang lebih. Malah dia cakap, dia tak pernah jumpa budak macam ni. Dah 22 negara dia ajar, 18 tahun pengalaman mengajar. 

Saya macam nak cakap apa tau bila dia bagitau tu? 

Saya nak cakap ni.."serve you right!"


patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

yes SERVE HIM RIGHT! tetiba nk gunakan pepatah melayu. encik steven, lain padang lain belalang, lain negara, lain orang laaa

AxraZa said...

tu la pasallll..dia kata budak perangai camtu hanya kt Arab je. sebab anak orang kaya! dan budak2 ni, dia kata "they dont even have money!"