Friday, March 16, 2012

Of change and aging...

Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still.

I've been busy lately. Not so busy but quite busy. There's nothing much really. But somehow or rather, I find that I have too many things to do with too little time to spend.  This is something I have never experienced before. Used to do only one thing the whole day, or the whole week. Like vetting or drafting. But now, I do like tonnes of little things, and spend like forever doing it.  

I received several texts, asking me why they didn't see me online as much as I did before.  A few messages on my facebook mobile complaining about the un'approve' friend requests.  I have no attention to deactivate my facebook account. But I don't intend to stay active like the old times though.  

May be it's the 'age'. I blame it on my age. I don't find facebook or blog-hopping as enjoyable as before. I've been on the net since like 17 years ago.  True, the world is at your fingertips with internet. So much so, that I forgot to look around me and enjoy the real happenings. Sometime I wonder, how in the world I could spend like hourssss before my lappy? Was it really interesting? Now is the time to do the catching up.  Yeap, there's more to life than....................(you name it)............................

People change. Our priority change. Our likes and dislikes change. It just that, I hope I can change for the betterment. 

Nota kaki:  Tak relevan dgn entry di atas, cuma terasa nak masukkan. Pagi tadi saya terdengar Tanyalah Ustaz, ada sentuh sikit pasal anak derhaka...menurut ustaz tu, takrif anak derhaka bukan tahap menengking ibu bapa sahaja.  Jika sampai ibu atau ayah kita perlu menghubungi kita untuk bertanya khabar, itu sudah dikira derhaka.  Bayangkan hal-hal lain yang mungkin kita buat terhadap mak ayah kita di luar sedar. Nauzubillah. Mari berubah.

harap-harap jangan hangat2 tahi ayam ye...haha

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